Monday, February 22, 2010

What is the best hair growth formula?

aomething that works fast it can be a grease shampoop conditioner etcWhat is the best hair growth formula?
Aloe vera has great growth properties.What is the best hair growth formula?

you tell me.
Snake oil....
It also helps to get tanned... It raises the level of melanin, and makes the hair grow faster...
I wanted to make my hair grow fast last year cause I wanted a longer style, so I looked online for something to help me. I eventually ended up at the website

So I bought the guide (which didn't cost much), and the techniques and recipes worked like a miracle!!! I was so surprised at how fast my hair started growing. It was awesome. So if you got a couple bucks to spare, I say you mind as well check out that guide. I'm glad I did. It was the best purchase I ever made. :) Other people have recommended it as well.
Olive oil and garlic

Crush a couple pieces of garlic soak in olive oil for an hour then drain the oil and let set on hair for about an hour and then wash your hair. Do it about twice a week. Should see excellent results.
there are none...period.

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